British Council Malaysia

Benefits of studying at the British Council in Malaysia

British Council Malaysia's staff engagement with CEO Scott McDonald on 28 February 2023

Emily's story: A Korean student's life studying at the British Council Malaysia

Ray Belajar Bahasa Inggeris di British Council

British Council CEO's visit for British Council Malaysia's 75th anniversary

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Giving opinions in meetings

Shota's Story: Studying at British Council Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

Take computer-delivered IELTS with British Council - Video 1

Belajar English di British Council

Why take CELTA at the British Council?

Belajar bahasa English - kelas bahasa Inggeris di British Council Malaysia

An Introduction to 70 Year Conversations

Take computer-delivered IELTS with British Council - Video 5

CELTA - To be a better teacher

What do the children like about being at the British Council?

Benefits of studying at the British Council

What to expect on your IELTS test day?

Helping you reach your dreams

British Council CEO Scott McDonald's visit to Sunway University on 27 February 2023

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